Thursday, June 28, 2018
I just wanted to introduce myself to the ShopBrantford Family! Hello my name is Krystal Schouten. I am the Owner and Instructor of FamilyLife Fitness. FamilyLife Fitness was inspired by my two boys Henry and William. Fitness has always been a part of my life and I wanted to share my love of fitness with them. It all started with Fitness with Baby. After having my second son William, I wanted to include him in my workouts. I was already a trained CanFit Pro fitness instructor at Natural Path Fitness so I decided to start a fitness class where moms could bring their baby and not have to worry about finding a babysitter. Popularity of Fitness with Baby grew so I decided to expand and offer classes like Fitness with Tots and Fitness with Fetus to help make it easy for moms to be active in pregnancy and beyond...covering all aspects of a growing family. I have been a fitness instructor for over 5 years and education is key when training a specialized population such as pre and postnatal fitness clients. I am certified in the following to help you exercise safely before and after pregnancy.
Fit 4 Two Pre/Postnatal Fitness Specialist
CanFit Pro Fitness Instructor
Functional Patterns Level 1 & 2
One of my favourite things about FamilyLife Fitness is we aren't just a fitness class but a community where families can connect and make friendship to last a life time.