Myth or Fact? No Pain, No Gain😒 Let's just stop you right there! Not in our clinic! Unless you change the spelling to "know pain, know gain". Having the "no pain no gain" mentality when it comes to your rehabilitation can do you more harm than good.
When we talk about pain science, think of the body as a traffic light. 🚦Green Light: Your body is happy with what range you are getting from an exercise, there's no discomfort, this is safe and effective. 🚦Yellow Light: Your body is indicating some discomfort, maybe a little pain, this is ok. There should be a little bit of resistance when you are trying to get to the next phase in rehab. But this light resembles caution. Push a little bit more but once you see that red light..... 🚦Red Light: STOP. Do not pass Go, do not collect your $200. This is your body saying STOP. If you continue to push into pain, you are at risk of harming yourself and making things worse. Work with your treating therapist and be sure to communicate and ask questions. They can help you to understand what levels, locations, and occurrences of pain are safe, and which are not.